hello team,

I just wanted your help to resolve the issues with the regular expression.

In my web request one of the web request response page contains the
following data.

<li><a href="hotelDetails.form?octopusPropertyCode=T04185&cityId=3117735"
title="HIGH TECH AVENIDA - Rank - 1 ">
<li><a href="hotelDetails.form?octopusPropertyCode=TRA1&cityId=3117735"

I wanted to extract

1) octopusPropertyCode="*T04185*"
2) cityId="*3117735*"

I have given the following pattern for Property Code

*Regular Expression:* href="hotelDetails.form?octopusPropertyCode=(.*?)&
*Template :* $1$
*match No:* 1
*Default value :* -1

For city ID

*Regular Expression:* href="hotelDetails.form?octopusPropertyCode=(.*?)"
I thought it must have the extracted value as "*
octopusPropertyCode=T04185&cityId=3117735*" if so, how can i split city id
from this,
provided if the regular expression is working correct.

But it returned the default value only (-1). Do i need to escape the "?"
character? if so, how?

can anybody  please help me to extract the property code & city id from this
Sometimes back i have seen a mail to print the extracted code in the title
can any one please tell me how to see the extracted values from the web

Awaiting to hear from you team

Thanks in advance
Mohamed Niyas M

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