
you probably used "\d*" as regexp and "$1$" as template - in that case
the regexp will be found but no group will be extracted.

If that is what you did, change regexp/template to "(\d*)"/"$0$" OR
"(\d*)"/"$1$" to correctly extract the found value.

If that is not the case, please submit the full configuration of your
Regular Expression Extractor controller.


2008/10/31 Jose Pablo Sarco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> I need extract some values from a response message to a JDBC request....
> In the response message I have:
> Field name
> Value1
> I only need the Value from the response, but I can't use a Regular
> expression extractor, doesn't work .....I put the regular expression \d*
> to extract the value 10005 and I get a null value.
> Any idea to solve this?
> Regards,
> Jose
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