
I ran my jmeter test for last 3 days in cmd line mode. The aggregate result
is writing to a jtl file in "Save Field Names (CSV)" format. I thought xml
would be lot of data so using csv. The result file size is 80 MB.

Now when I try to import it, i am not seeing any results imported in jmeter
UI. I waited long but seems like jmeter gives up and i am able to move to
other nodes.

I tried increasing the heap size as well but it didnt help
set HEAP=-Xms256m -Xmx2048m
set NEW=-XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=1024m
set EVACUATION=-XX:MaxLiveObjectEvacuationRatio=50%

Pls let me know how this could be solved.

thanks in advance.

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