to answer the first part - it might be better to do this more declaratively.
You would need to combine the Constant Throughput Timer and the Constant
Throughput Controller
Then you want 11 requests per second or 660 requests per minute. So add a
constant throughput timer

Thread Group
+Loop Controller(say 1000 times)
++Constant Throughput Controller 1 (9% calculaled as 1*100/(1+1+1+1+7))
+++New User Reg
++Constant Throughput Controller 2 (9%)
+++Email Inuse
++Constant Throughput Controller 3 (9%)
+++Update account
++Constant Throughput Controller 4 (9%)
+++Update subscription
++Constant Throughput Controller 5 (64%)
++ Constant Throughput timer (all threads, 660)

can you open a new thread for the other part of your question?


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 11:40 PM, Sean Berry <sbe...@2advanced.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> This is my first email to the list... I hope someone can help.
> I have developed an registration/authentication system that I now need to
> load test.  For my load test I have set goal for number requests / second.
>  These requests are to be distributed in a set ratio according to the
> following:
> 1 New User Registration
> 1 Check if email is in use
> 1 Update Account
> 1 Update Subscription (subset of update account)
> 7 logins
> Currently I am using a BSF Preprocessor to set variables (user later in IF
> controllers) to determine if these should run... so, for example:
> vars.put('register_ratio', ${__P(register_ratio)});
> vars.put('emailInUse_ratio', ${__P(emailInUse_ratio)});
> vars.put('login_ratio', ${__P(login_ratio)});
> ...
> etc
> --------
> var register_mod = parseInt(vars.get('counter'), 10) %
> parseInt(vars.get('register_ratio'), 10);
> if (register_mod == 0) {
>    vars.put('REGISTER', "yes");
> } else {
>    vars.put('REGISTER', "no");
> }
> ...
> etc
> --------
> Then, later I have IF Controllers for each:
> "${REGISTER}" == "yes"
> "${LOGIN}" == "yes"
> ...
> etc
> --------
> This works as expected and I get the ratios of each request I am trying to
> achieve.  So, the first question:
> Is this the "right" way to do this?  Is there a better way?
> My second question, which may warrant a different thread has to do with
> collecting the output data.  Currently, I am running a server on 7 machines.
>  I have a python script that port scans all local IPs for 1099.  The python
> process then gathers the output to create a report.  The output works fine
> if I include a "Debug Sampler" even though I have everything set to False.
>  I am only able to get output (via CLI or GUI) if I have the Debug Sampler
> enabled.  I think this is because all of my samplers (WebService SOAP) are
> inside of the IF Logic Controllers.  If I put a Summary Report or View
> Results Tree inside the IF Controllers then I get output, but if they are
> not inside then I get nothing with the Debug Sampler turned off.  I know I
> must be doing something wrong and was looking for some help on this as well.
>  Here is a screenshot of my current setup.
> http://i52.tinypic.com/i1cm4n.jpg
> If you need any more information please feel free to ask.
> As a side note, I have taken a lot of the logic from the perl script that
> generates graphs from the output saved from the Aggregate Graph and have
> ported it over to Python, adding a bunch of additional reporting information
> and wrapping it up in a nice little web interface.  Once completed, I would
> like to contribute the source back to the community.  Here is a partial
> screenshot:
> http://i53.tinypic.com/2zxxhj8.png
> Anyway, thanks for any help!
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