> Add another response assertion?
> That will fail other assertions and i dont' want that

you see  I have a variable

tag1 = 89

and 5 variables with parsed tags, for example
${aaa_g1} = 89
${bbb_g1}  = 90
${ccc_g1}  = 91
${ddd_g1}  = 92
${eee_g1}  = 93

what i need is a equivalent  of SQL...  where tag1 in ('89', '90',

this will give me straight forward result. if tag1 is not found in this
collection,array or wahtever you will call it then test failes. if it is
found in any of his then success.
adding 5 assertions gives me 4 fails and 1 success or 1 fail 4 sucess if i
invert the rules with "Not"

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