seems there are some issues with HttpClient4 and NTLM

You might give the sample code a try and see if it works (standalone) , and
if it does you might need to modify the Jmeter code to work with HttpClient4


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Shmuel Krakower <shmul...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> This is my first message here.
> I am load testing an IIS application which using NTLM to authenticate.
> I am using the latest - 2.5 JMeter and trying to use the HTTP Authorization
> Manager.
> Firstly - it seems like only with HttpClient3.1 Implemented HTTP Request
> the
> NTLM string is being sent (I can see it on the view results tree for the
> relevant request).
> When using the new HttpClient4 or the old Jave implementation - this NTLM
> Authorization string is not being sent or not being visible on the view
> results tree.
> Secondly - I configure as best as I understand the Base URL, the Username
> and Password, also tried to play with the Realm and Domain but I keep on
> getting 401 error.
> I tried different combination like username = domain\uname, uname@domain,
> uname and on Realm and Domain separately and so on.
> Is there someone who actually succeed on authenticate with IIS NTLM ?
> Best Regards,
> Shmuel Krakower.

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