On 12 October 2011 16:03, Nico Kruger <nico.kru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have a small sample test file, with one thread group (one thread),
> looped a number of times (10 at the moment). with one BSF group,
> configured to run a ruby script.
> Everything surrounding the classpath has been configured, jmeter is
> finding the jruby JARs, the jruby libraries and my own java code.
> Now as far as I understand, the JMeterVariables object (which seems to
> be exposed as $vars in the jruby environment), is shared between
> successive samples inside a thread group.

Yes, all samplers in the thread group have access to the same vars -
that's how ${variables} work.

> I understand that each
> thread group runs in its own copy of the interpetrer, but as far as I
> understand successive samples within a thread group share an
> interpreter of the chosen language.

No, the BSF samples currently each use their own BSF Manager and
interpreter - it is not currently shared.

Same for JSR223 currently.

It's only the BeanShell sampler that re-uses the interpreter.

> Thus you can use this object to
> share variables between test samples. Now this seems fine for sharing
> simple numbers/strings - but what I want to do, is share a socket
> instance between successive test samples, and this seems to break
> somewhere, or I am misunderstanding.

Interpreters are not shared, see above.

> Basically, I have the one thread group, looping 10 times. Inside, a
> BSF group, running the following jruby script:
> require 'socket'
> if $vars.getObject("s") == nil
>  s = TCPSocket.open("localhost", 6663)
>  $vars.putObject("s",s)
> end
> begin
>  socket = $vars.getObject("s")
>  socket.send([1,2,3,4])
> rescue => e
>  puts "Error"
>  puts e.message
> end
> I can see it working the first time, but after that, it fails with an 
> exception:
>    Bad file descriptor.
> The output I get is basically this (note, I am running through the
> chronos maven plugin here):
> [INFO] Success
> ....
> [INFO] Error
> [INFO] Bad file descriptor - Bad file descriptor
> ....
> [INFO] Error
> [INFO] Bad file descriptor - Bad file descriptor
> etc.
> Should I not be using the $vars object to share something like this?
> Is the interpreter in fact getting recreated?


> What am I misunderstanding?

Just that.

> Thanks for any help, enlightenment, etc.

- use BeanShell
- create and manage the interpreter yourself - if you use the
interpreter to create an interpreter rather than a socket, it may be
possible to invoke the saved interpreter.

Or perhaps the TCP Sampler would be a more suitable base.

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