On 04/17/2015 01:44 PM, Rolf Huehne wrote:
> Replacing the old syntax by the new one "for (var fileNumber FROM [1
> fileCount]) {" dosen't change the problematic behaviour. The only
> visible difference can be seen in the case of the additional loop run.
> With the old syntax 'fileNumber' is "1" in the first cycle and "2" in
> the second one. With the new syntax it is "1" during both cycles.
Replacing the 'for' loop by a 'while' loop and even removing the loop 
dosen't solve the problem. The function is still exited at the same 



Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstrasse 11
07745 Jena, Germany

Phone:   +49 3641 65 6205
Fax:     +49 3641 65 6210
E-Mail:  rhue...@fli-leibniz.de
Website: http://www.fli-leibniz.de

           Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. K. Lenhard Rudolph
        Head of Administration: Dr. Daniele Barthel
Chairman of Board of Trustees: Dennys Klein

VAT No: DE 153 925 464
Register of Associations: No. 230296, Amtsgericht Jena
Tax Number: 162/141/08228

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