>>> Also http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/chemime/tests/object/
>>> (this being a test of the  <object> tag, which fails miserably in  10.3!)
>Netscape 7.1/Windows XP: I do see a crude model, which I can manipulate with 
>the mouse. So I guess that object is working. But the "Load" links don't do 
>anything as far as I can tell. 
>(Using # in a URL for the same page with this platform doesn't reload the 
>page, just jumps to that anchor, which as far as I can tell doesn't work. I'm 
>guessing that they really aren't supposed to do anything, right?)      

This feature was in the  W3C HTML draft of the time, but rarely if ever 
>Is this page using one of the really early versions of Jmol? The status 
>message indicating that TAB would do something doesn't seem to correlate with 
>actual behavior.

Yes, above page was written in 2000! I think we were hopeful that it would 
become  "standard"
>I've never used the <object> tag. I have a question: What's the object nesting 
>about? Is the idea there something like, "If you have java capability, use 
>Jmol, else if you have the chime plugin, use that, else if you have VMRL, use 
>that, else just show them the damn picture"?


> This seems to be the behavior when I play with it by tweaking the source of 
> this page on my hard drive.


Henry Rzepa. 
+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); +44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/ Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  
2AZ, UK. 

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