I am sorry I am rather late for this thread.  Wanted to add that
Marion Cass will be presenting Jmol via our  "pseudorotation"
page;  http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/bpr/

This article is one of three that have been submitted to J Chem Ed
extolling the virtues of  Jmol.  An earlier one on symmetry
http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/symmetry/ )
 has apparently been accepted, and the third on transition states, 
Mobius systems and aromaticity (http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/pericyclic/ )
has only just been sent. J Chem Ed move at glacial speeds in terms
of publication (> 1 year is still common!)  so if accepted, they will not
appear for a little while yet.

Has anyone else on this list submitted on  Jmol to such journals? 


Henry Rzepa. 
+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); +44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/ Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  
2AZ, UK. 

(Voracious anti-spam filter in operation for received email.
If expected reply not received, please phone/fax). 

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