I've downloaded Jmol 10 (10.00 & 10.00.12) and tried to run this code in
Windows and Unix but, in both cases I could load the applet but not the
molecule. I tried to load the molecule from applet's console but I got an
I/O Exception. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    <title>Simple example</title>
    <script src="../jmol/Jmol.js"></script>
      jmolInitialize("../jmol"); // REQUIRED
      jmolApplet(200, "load caffeine.xyz");

I can open molecule files from the standalone application, but I haven't any
luck when I tried to use the applet using the javascript library. I wonder
if this is a permisology problem or an applet problem.

Thanks in advance,

Freddy A. Rojas P.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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