> I saw the message about using the Jmol Application and
> have been trying it for the autobond issue. I have tried
> running the script "set autobond off;"
> before loading one of the xyz files and get a message of:
> setting:autobond
> viewer.setBooleanProperty(autobond,false) - unrecognized

You do not have the correct/current version of the Jmol Application.

(Recall that I sent the JmolApplet*.jar files to you separately via email)

Download version 10.00.22 from

Version 10.00.22 includes a special feature just for you:

The 2nd line of a .xyz file is a name/comment.
If that line ends in the string "#noautobond" then Jmol will not bond the
atoms. This is independent of the 'set autobond off' setting.

Modify your program that is generating the .xyz files to add the string
"#noautobond" to the 2nd line of the file and your life will get simpler.

> When the file loads I then get an error message that the
> "maximum auto bond count reached".

Maximum auto bond count is currently set to 20. If an atom has more than
20 bonds then this message appears.

> Thinking about it this kind of makes sense with the files
> I have been testing. The ones that work "best" have the
> "lowest" atom density and would generate the fewest number
> of bonds based on interatomic distances, clearly seen when
> I leave the wireframe frame command on.


> The most problematic files are the ones with the highest
> atom density, which would generate the greatest number
> of bonds. These files will load eventually but because
> of the high atom density there are a hugh number of
> bonds.


> The file that does not work at all is an animated xyz
> file (1000 atoms in 1000 frames) and for the animation
> to show what I need it starts
> with 999 atoms all at the origin, the worst possible case.

Perhaps you missed my response on the mailing list.

1 million atoms will never work in the applet.

It might work in the application, but you will need to start the
application with more virtual memory for Java.

> It would appear from the error message that the
> set autobond off command is
> not functioning the way I would expect.

Test A - set autobond off
1. download 10.00.22 from www.jmol.org/files
2. start Jmol application
3. issue script command 'set autobond off'
4. load up a .xyz file (not the 1000x1000)
5. observe that it loads quickly and that there are no bonds
6. exit Jmol

Test B - #noautobond
1. add '#noautobond' to the 2nd line of a .xyz file (not the 1000x1000)
2. start Jmol application
3. load noautobond.xyz
4. observe that it loads quickly and that there are no bonds
5. exit Jmol application

Test C - more memory
1. start Jmol application with 1.5G memory using the command line
   java -Xmx1500M -jar Jmol.jar
2. 'set autobond off'
3. load 1000x1000.xyz
4. it *probably* will work
5. report back to me
   a. whether or not it worked
   b. performance numbers
   c. your hardware configuration


Open Source Molecular Visualization

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