On Jul 21, 2005, at 7:03 PM, Frieda Reichsman wrote:

On Jul 20, 2005, at 5:53 PM, Miguel wrote:

CTRL-SHIFT-LEFTdrag  # control slab
CTRL-SHIFT-LEFTdouble-click-drag # control depth
ALT-CTRL-SHIFT-LEFTdrag # move both slab and depth, maintaining the
thickness of the displayed slice.

None of these produce any change in the molecule for me (Mac, OS X v10.3.9) using the Jmol application, 10.00.22.

As I continued to "play" I started to get occasional, erratic slabbing control with the keystrokes. It seemed that if I use
shift-left drag
in order to zoom, and then *added* the control key, without releasing the mouse button or the shift key, I got slabbing.

If I am not in the act of zooming, the mouse gestures had no effect (regardless of the order of control or shift key press) - nothing happens to the molecule.

Then I tested further and found that if I press the left mouse button down by itself, and THEN hold down shift and control, slabbing works. If I hold down shift and control, then press the left mouse button, it does not.

Can't imagine that this is supposed to be the way mouse gestures work, must be an Apple bug????


Frieda Reichsman, PhD
Molecules in Motion
Interactive Molecular Structures

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