Dear Miguel,

Many thanks for your kind reply.

Miguel wrote:

>>Actually, I would like to display the
>>coordinate frame and have the possibility
>>of putting its origin at positions which allow
>>to easily identify  the axis with some symmetry
>Not sure what you mean.
>Q: Do you want the axes to be something other than the cartesian axes?

No, cartesian axes are fine. I just would like to
be able to put them anywhere.

>If we first restrict our discussion to the cartesian axes ...
Ok :-)

>The 'boundbox' is defined by the min & max atom center coordinate values
>along the x/y/z dimensions. Try the following:
>  set axes on
>  set boundbox on
>The origin of the axes is the center of the boundbox. The axes extend to
>the center of the faces of the boundbox.

This works perfectly but does not suit my need.

>Q: If you could position the axes at an arbitrary point, how far would the
>axes extend in the +/- directions?

Argh... this is a good question.

>Q: ... to the faces of the boundbox?
Not necessarily... 

In fact, the "ideal" solution would consist
in having the possibility to draw segments
using arbitrary styles and colors.

Best regards,

>>The coordinate frame which is shown
>>is the one associated with the bounding box,
>>and changing the rotation center does not
>>change this, helas...
>>So my question should read: is there a way to
>>easily draw a coordinate frame (in my case, the
>>one associated to the molecule will suffice).
>>(I could also add dummy atoms and do this
>>by hand. But I guess that the results would not
>>be satisfactory...)
>>I am using "Jmol Version 10.00.05".
>>P.S. I have subscribed to the list :-))
>>Chris Weichenberger wrote:
>>>>I am viewing a molecule using Jmol and I am trying to put
>>>>the origin of the axis at the position of a given atom. But
>>>>I cannot figure out how to this. I did not find any tip in the
>>>>user guide.
>>> Your choice is the 'center' command. In order to have the origin of
>>>the coordinate system set to the C-alpha atom of group 66, issue the
>>> center 66.CA
>>>Rotations from now on will be centered about this atom. (If you have
>>>opened a Jmol console window left-clicking on an atom will print its
>>>group number and atom name and some more information.)
>>>Hope this is what you have been looking for.
>>> Chris
>>Latevi Max LAWSON DAKU
>>Departement de chimie physique
>>Universite de Geneve - Sciences II
>>30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
>>CH-1211 Geneve 4
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CH-1211 Geneve 4 

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