>>Q: How would one decide where it would be displayed?
> The default reference point could be the first coordinate in the pmesh
> file. Optionally the number of the reference point coordinates in the
> pmesh file could be specified in the pmesh definition line (e.g.: pmesh
> example1 "example1.pmesh" 17). The rest would then be similar to atom
> labels.

OK ... that is a pretty good idea.

>>Q: Could the labels be in one of the corners, in the same color as the
>>associated pmesh surface?
> If it would be in the corner in the same color it wouldn't be visible if
> the pmesh would be filled. And the label might also be too long to fit
> into the pmesh.

I meant in the corner of the Jmol display, not in the corner of the mesh.

>>I do not understand.
> Maybe I should tell what we want to do. We want to highlight exon
> boundaries in protein structures. In order to be able to highlight for
> example PROSITE motifs at the same time the best way would be to show
> something between the two amino acids at the border.

I don't understand the details of this.

But I generally understand that this is some characteristic that you wish
to hilite.

> With pmesh this would be a filled square, perpendicular
> to the trace between the amino acids.

While that would certainly work, it does not sound like the kind of
application that pmesh was designed for.

> With pseudo atoms in the corners of the square and bonds from
> each atom to each other atom you would get a square with a cross inside.
> Not as good as a filled square but at least it could be labelled and all
> squares could be integrated into the PDB file as additional model.


>>>Q: Is it possible to change the appearance of bonds besides changing
>>> their color?
>>You can adjust color, radius, and translucency.
>>hbonds are displayed as segmented (dashed) cylinders
>>Q: What other renderings/formats would be interesting?
> When I tested the pseudo atom pmesh replacement I just didn't realized
> the possibility to adjust the bond radius by using the wireframe command
> (although I used it plenty of times before!).
> For their regular use I guess cylinders are sufficient. For their
> 'misuse' a flat rectangle would be nice, but then you would have the
> orientation problem. So just forget about it.

It is not clear to me where you want to take this disussion.


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