On Apr 10, 2006, at 12:36 PM, Bob Hanson wrote:

On your test page, I still see the effect after issuing
set windowCentered on

By "your test page" I think (I HOPE) you are referring to that set of

Nope. Sorry - I am referring to 

I click the red link to load kinesin.pdb
then I type the command:
center 401:1   
# (chain designator is '1' for some reason)

this centers an ADP that is bound to one of the kinesin chains. 
Manually rotating now shows the moving camera effect, and setting windowcentered ON or OFF seems to me to make no difference in how the structure rotates....

OK, looks like I forgot to upload a set of jar files to my prototype directory from my last edit of April 6. Thank you for pointing that out, Frieda. I've regenerated that zip file if you are interested in further testing of it. "set windowCentered OFF" is required to see the camera-move effect.

I will check whether the windowCentered on/off makes a difference with the new zip files.

Did Chime have the equivalent of "set windowCentered OFF"?

Chime had "set zoom center off" which was similar, and very handy.



Frieda Reichsman, PhD

Molecules in Motion

Interactive Molecular Structures



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