>Dear Jmol users,
>I would like to draw to your attention a new site I have developed using Jmol 
>(with much help from many of you, especially Bob) to depict
>interactive 3D animations for some of the most important organic reactions 
>covered during an undergraduate degree with supporting information on 
>If you are a student or teacher of Organic chemistry, I hope you will find it 
>interesting and useful. It is intended to supplement existing textbooks and 
>lectures and I use it regularly projected - Jmol makes it look great!

What a splendid site Nick.

I have one question.  I have for years taught eg pericyclic mechanisms, where
I drum home to the students that pushed arrows have three  dimensions.  Thus 
antarafacial, etc etc.   Its a specific case of the more general 
stereoelectronic theory
of chemistry. 

This  3D nature is a little tricky to display.  for example,  I am looking at
the  1,3 dipolar cycloaddtion for ozonolysis, where unless  I am mistaken, the 
arrows could
be taken to indicate  antarafacial on the carbonyl and antarafacial on the  1,3 

Whilst this is actually "allowed", no 4a + 2a  cycloaddition is actually known.
I must confess to being both impressed and baffled as to how the arrows
were generated,  but is it possible to show the suprafacial/antarafaciality with
greater precision, ie  true  3D arrows (after all,  Jmol is the only tool for 
pushing  I have ever seen which is capable of doing this!)

Generally, how does one go about authoring this?  How long would it take to eg
position  one arrow in a starting set of  3D coordinates?

Henry Rzepa.
+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); +44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/ Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  
2AZ, UK.

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