[ Was:
Re: [Jmol-users] At request of AHerraez, discussion of feature 
request moved to this list ]

sorry for the mess of postings  :-)

Second part of reply, regarding the generation of images.

David  Halitsky  wrote:
> If (1-4) are possible as specified above, the next question is 
> whether there is a way to capture the two views that the user creates 
> in Frame A and Frame B so that they can be produced in a document of 
> the type that appears in each "case" in the StrucClues Case Library 

Yes, the views can be captured to the user's computer, in a web page 
(e.g. popup window) from where the user can copy or save them to 
disk, using the browser's capabilities.
If you need to "capture" to the server, I cannot say *but see below.

The discussion on how to make snapshots is quite long. There are 
several mesages in the list some time ago and there are several 
places that use this functionality; Bob has at least one, I dont0 
remember exactly where right now, and I have a testpage/tutorial at
See if you can make it from that, then ask if you need help.

> (As you can see, RasMol was used interactively to produce the views 
> in the case library, and screen shots of the RasMol views were then 
> saved to PowerPoint and the PowerPoint was then converted to jpeg or 
> gif.) 

>From the screenshot, displayed inside the browser, you can save 
directly to your disk in some browsers, or else copy-paste into any 
image editing program (I would not recommend Powerpoint, as the 
quality of saved images is poor). You get a jpeg file directly.

Now that I think of it, in fact all the trouble was getting the 
server-generated image into the client browser, so there should be a 
way to store the image in the server maybe.

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