On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Rzepa, Henry <h.rz...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> As it happens, Bob and I have been having a discussion about eg  saving  XYZ 
> (with
> vibrational vectors).  Bob's documentation does describe the process, 
> although of course
> one has to use the signed applet to use the  write command if doing so from a 
>  Web page.

Ah, right... 'write COORDS MOL "file"' is what I need.

> However  Egon, are you asking whether eg  the Jmol DOM content model which 
> stores the
> coordinates has an internal output stylesheet that can perform the conversion 
> to eg  CML, ie
> eg Molfile in,  CML out, in the manner of  openBabel?

Yes, 'write COORDS CML "file.cml"' would be nice... but MDL molfile is
a good enough start.

> Bob has also described his  XMLised  version of  jvxl.

Yeah, we were talking about that...

> I presume an  XML version of the Rasmol script is a far greater undertaking?

Indeed. But not what I am looking for right now.

Thanx for your ideas! (And I feel stupid for looking at the Jmol
source code, instead of the far more informative interactive help! :)


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