Yes, very cool and easy to use, perhaps too easy?

My concern is the limitations of the minimisation which will lead to high 
energy "minima". e.g. Cis decalin becomes chair-boat instead of chair-chair, 
biphenyl is flat, simple amides are not planar. This is not Jmol's fault per se 
but could be misleading.

Otherwise works nicely.

All the best
3D Organic Animations
Tel:             +44 (0)151-794-3506 (3500 secretary)

Subject: [Jmol-users] well, what do you know? Jmol and JME 2D to 3D
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OK! Here we go! Super simple 2D to 3D.

The JME-Jmol connection has gone unused for too long. With today's 12.0.RC5
addition of reading bond stereochemistry, Jmol now does a pretty decent job
of translating 2D into 3D -- admittedly this is not going to solve all
problems, but give it a try:

Cool, eh?
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