
oh okay quite simple. 
I tried to create a drop down menu as you described in you book using teh
html code:


       <script type="text/javasript">

                  var x = new Array()

                  x[0]=["spacefill off; wireframe on", "wireframe"]

                  x[1]=["spacefill 30%; wireframe 40", "ball and sticks",
true ]

                  x[2]=["spacefill 100%; wireframe off", "CPK Modell"]




However if I press F12 to get a preview of the page the machine does not
load the menu: 



The whole site is this: 




    <title>jmol applet animations demo</title>

    <script src="jmol/Jmol.js"></script>





      jmolCheckBrowser("popup", "../../browsercheck", "onClick");




      <table border="1">



                    <h2>Animationsbeispiele zur Praesentation</h2>


                      var script=" load jmol/ordner1/cyclo_animation.mol" +

                      "anim mode palindrome; anim on";

                      jmolApplet(500, script);






                   Beispiele: <br/> 

                   Animation des Cyclohexans <br />



                      jmolButton("load jmol/ordner1/cyclo_animation.mol",



                    <br />


jmolCheckbox("select elemNo=1; color lime;", "select *; color cpk;",
"H-Atome markieren");




atomNo=7,atomNo=10,atomNo=11,atomNo=13,atomNo=16,atomNo=18; color lime;",
"select atomNo=7,atomNo=10,atomNo=11,atomNo=13,atomNo=16,atomNo=18; color
cpk;", "equatoriale H-Atome markieren");





atomNo=14,atomNo=9,atomNo=17,atomNo=8,atomNo=12,atomNo=15; color red;",
"select atomNo=15,atomNo=14,atomNo=9,atomNo=17,atomNo=8,atomNo=12; color
cpk;", "axiale H-Atome markieren");




jmolCheckbox("select elemNo=6; color yellow;", "select *; color cpk;",
"C-Skelett markieren");






                    Das zweite Beispiel der Praesentation<br />




                      var script = "load jmol/ordner1/sn2.pdb; cpk off;
wireframe;" +

                      "trace on; color trace honeydew";

                      jmolButton(script, "Start");


                    <br />


jmolCheckbox("select atomNo=4; color yellow;", "select *; color cpk;",


                    <hr />







                      jmolLink("anim mode once; frame 1; delay 0.5; anim
on", "Einmal abspielen");


                    <br />


                      jmolLink("anim mode palindrome 2 2 ; anim on",

                      "Wiederholt im Palindrom Modus abspielen"



                    <br />



                      jmolLink("anim off", "Animation stoppen");



                    <br />

                    <hr />


                    Show individual movie frames <br />



                      jmolButton("frame 1", "Anfang");

                      jmolButton("frame next", "Naechster Frame");

                      jmolButton("frame prev", "Vorhergehender Frame");

                      jmolButton("frame all", "Alle Frames zeigen");


                    <br />


                    Animationen koennen mit einer Drehung versehen werden<br



                      jmolButton("spin on","spin an");

                      jmolButton("spin off", "spin aus");



                                Mann kann per button auch das Modell aendern
<br />


                       <script type="text/javasript">

                  var x = new Array()

                  x[0]=["spacefill off; wireframe on", "Drahtnetz"]

                  x[1]=["spacefill 30%; wireframe 40", "ball and sticks",
true ]

                  x[2]=["spacefill 100%; wireframe off", "CPK Modell"]














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