Em 10/09/2010 02:58, Robert Hanson escreveu:
This one is for Rich, Eric, Jay, Sergio, and Oliver.


Many thanks. Works fine with the navy color now.

However (there is allways one), I've found another strange behavior. It happens in version 11 too (still trying to determine when it started).
I have this script file (a01.txt)
    script ../../JmolFiles/aviso.txt
    load ac.pdb
    spacefill off
    wireframe off
    spin on
    select protein
    wireframe 100
    color cpk

calling this one (aviso.txt)
    set echo middle center
    font echo 18 sanserif bold
    color echo [x26476B]
echo Carregando a molécula||Isso pode levar alguns segundos,|dependendo da complexidade da|molécula e da velocidade da conexão||Aguarde...
    delay 1.0

The problem is they don't work locally (Win7 64bit), meaning all commands are ignored after that first line in a01.txt. They do work when uploaded to the server! It doesn't seem to be a problem with the slash because I have some other similar scripts that work just fine and changing to a \ didn't make any difference.

When the first line in a01.txt is commented out then it works fine. That would indicate a problem in the second script file (aviso.txt). But (and this is very odd) when all commands in this second script file are commented out the simple action of calling it breaks all subsequent commands in the first script file.
No idea where/how to start debugging this thing!
Thanks in advance.

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