It is indeed possible to get Jmol to work with a passive 3d setup, i.e. 
using two projectors polarized perpendicular to each other and a 
non-depolarizing screen. You can connect the external VGA of a laptop to 
the Matrox DualHead2Go adaptor:

which provides two output signals, one for each projector. Set up 
graphics display on the laptop to extended mode for the external VGA 
signal and open a Jmol page in the extended display area, invoke the 
side-by-side stereo display mode (cross-eyed or wall-eyed.. one of these 
will be correct depending on your connections) and one side will go to 
one projector, the other side to the other projector. The built-in 
laptop screen can be used for the script window while the Jmol page 
displays on the external screen...very convenient. This gadget is not 
expensive...CDW sells analog version for $149.

I have done this with a plain vanilla Dell laptop with Intel integrated 
graphics...i.e. nothing special....will work with nvidia and amd 
graphics cards (although not necessarily all of them (see the Matrox 
site for compatibility) and I have also done this with mac laptops. 
Passive glasses can be bought in bulk very inexpensively.

Dick Shafer
School of Pharmacy

On 4/17/2011 5:23 PM, tvrb wrote:
> wagquack wrote:
>> However I did not find the option described in the standalone application?
>> Could somebody please help me and tell me if this is possible ?
> wagquack, it looks like your article shows exactly how to get stereographic
> 3d.  Open a molecule, right click, go to style -->  stereographic -->  select
> your style of stereographic 3d.
> Forgive me for hijacking this thread, but I have a similar question for
> anyone who may be reading this:
> Is it possible to get JMol to work with a passive 3d setup (2x polarized
> projectors and polarized glasses)?  I haven't done extensive testing, but I
> don't see an easy option like I do in DS Viewer Pro (for instance).

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