sounds like a great idea to me. atomType is not used for much, and this is
really what it is for. No need to do the minimization -- we should be able
to have

minimize set atomType

or something like that.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Spinney, Richard <> wrote:

>  >@1.atomType = "C_3"****
> >@2.atomType = "H_"****
> >@3.atomType = "H_"****
> >** **
> >etc.****
> >** **
> >then****
> >** **
> >{atomtype="C_3"}.partialCharge = ....****
> ** **
> This is a manual variable assignment is it not? Would it be possible to
> assign the UFF atom types to the Jmol atomType (atom properties array)
> when  a minimization is run?****
> ** **
> Thanks, Rick****
> ** **
> --------------------------------------****
> Dr. Richard Spinney****
> The Ohio State University****
> Department of Chemistry****
> 144 Celeste Laboratory****
> 120 West 18th Ave****
> Columbus, Ohio 43210****
>  ****
> email:****
>  ****
> Phone:   (614) 247 - 6847****
> Fax:       (614) 292 - 1685****
> ** **
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Robert M. Hanson
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