On 10/6/2012 4:43 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> Oops. Clearly I never tested radio buttons with JmolJSO. Attached is a 
> new JmolControls.js
> Bob

Thanks, but we still cannot make it work.

Now, the call to


in "Jmol.jmolRadioGroup" in JmolApi.js is returning null causing only 
the first radio to be rendered on the page. However, that radio button 
does work.



our code

var radios = new Array();
radios[0] = ["set background [xF0F0F0]", "light", true];
radios[1] = ["set background black", "black"];
Jmol.jmolRadioGroup(jmol5, radios);

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