I would like to visualize the electrostatic potential above a 
crystalline surface. I have carried out a single-point calculation at 
the plane-wave/DFT level of theory with the program CASTEP, asking to 
save the formatted electrostatic potential in a separate file (with the 
option "write_formatted_potential true").

In order to map the electrostatic potential on the solvent accessible 
surface -with periodic boundary conditions applied- I use the following 

$ load "molybdenite_001_01.castep" {3 3 1}; restrict cell=665; unitcell 
{1 1 1/2}
$ isosurface 1 resolution 10 sasurface 1.4 map "molybdenite_001_01.pot_fmt"

However, the resulting top and bottom surfaces are not symmetrical as I 
would expect. Furthermore, the electrostatic potential does not seem to 
have been computed with the correct PBC. Is there something I miss in 
the syntax?

Thank you very much for the help!

PS files to reproduce my test are here:

Otello M. Roscioni
Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"
Università di Bologna
Viale Risorgimento 4
40136 Bologna, Italy

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