Bob et al,
I am pleased to report that loading of Spartan files e.g.molecule.spardir works 
It just keeps getting more like Jmol. Thanks Bob!
All the best
3D Organic Animations
Tel:             +44 (0)151-794-3506 (3500 secretary)

On 21 Nov 2012, at 17:02,<>

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:02:37 -0600
From: Robert Hanson <<>>
Subject: [Jmol-users] JSmol - three months in
To: "<>"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Well, it's been a busy three months! Hard to believe that I started this
Aug 26, and we basically now have a fully functional Jmol applet without

I have updated

demonstrates reading binary Spartan files, implementation of which took me
places I really did not wish to go, namely, figuring out how to implement
in JavaScript the conversion of binary byte-encoded float and double values
into floats. Wow. We might be the first to implement that, since not much
is done reading binary files into JavaScript, I think. Anyway, I'm happy to
report that it works. The link is in the middle of that page --
square_planar.spartan. JSmol now is reading PNGJ, ZIP, GZIP, and
CompoundDocument formats correctly. It has to do this based on file
extension, and there are opportunities for problems there. But, basically,
if you find a binary file not being read, consider naming it with  ".bin"
somewhere in the name to force JSmol to read it in a binary fashion.

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