On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Robert Hanson <hans...@stolaf.edu> wrote:
> A lofty goal. No such plans at this stage.

Understood, and no worries :) There will always be plenty of ideas,
but without the bank account of someone like Gates or Slim, we won't
be able to implement them all :)

> Plenty to do just to get the reading working. But I wouldn't rule it out.

Yeah, we can keep dreaming :)

> The problem, of course, would
> be that a significant portion of what Jmol is capable of doing is not
> representable in PyMOL. And, I'm sure, vice-versa, but that's not stopping
> me from trying....

Indeed. I would personally not be so worried about that; there is a
common basis and that could start really small and it would grow over
time, as people coin in, add effort etc, just like with Jmol itself...
to many efforts fail in that the measure success only in the best
possible outcome that turned out to be too ambitious... like Rome,
Jmol was not built in one day either.

On a related note, I have written a patch (now applied) that splits
the Jmol editor in Bioclipse, to have one for small molecules and one
for large molecules. That will allow us to tune menu's etc for the
various content. While I am full time working on Open PHACTS, I do
teach a few hours of Protein Structure each year, and moving to
Bioclipse/Jmol as platform for that. I am thinking of something like
Proteopedia here, which I really like.

I very briefly tried to upgrade Jmol in Bioclipse last week; Bioclipse
2.6.0 uses 11.8.17. I tried upgrading to 13.x but there were too many
API changes. Is there an migration help page, by any change? And,
would it already be worth upgrading to the latest 11.x? That would be
easier and still perhaps improve Bioclipse 2.6.1 ?


Dr E.L. Willighagen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT
Maastricht University (http://www.bigcat.unimaas.nl/)
Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/
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