I am practicing with JSmol:

I have a simple script that loads dna.pdb file and executes a couple of 
simple commands.

It works well in Java Jmol, but in JSmol in Chrome JS console throws " 
XMLHttpRequest.responseType cannot be changed for synchronous HTTP(S) 
requests made from the window context." on line 209 of JSmol.min.js.

If I remove that load line, the error goes away, but obviously the DNA 
molecule isn't loaded then.

Is there a problem in JSmol?




moveto 0.01 { 945 -209 -251 85.33} 28.43 0.0 0.0 {31.317 41.607502 
28.2905} 33.063145 {0.0 0.0 0.0} -7.721215 -15.052243 0.0;
delay 1.0
moveto 3.0 { -300 -935 -190 27.93} 100.0 0.0 0.0  {31.317 41.607502 
28.2905} 33.063145 {0.0 0.0 0.0} -27.401278 63.2362 0.0;
delay 1.0;
rotate y 360 90;
delay 4.0
moveto 6.0 { -505 295 -811 178.2}  404.56 0.0 0.0  {31.317 41.607502 
28.2905} 33.063145 {0.0 0.0 0.0} 15.9948635 -310.97995 0.0;
delay 1.0
cartoon on; color group;
delay 1.0
moveto 4.0 { 409 -49 911 172.45} 86.96 0.0 0.0  {31.317 41.607502 
28.2905} 33.063145 {0.0 0.0 0.0} 7.332866 -53.193756 0.0;
rotate y 720 90;
delay 3.0
cartoon off;
delay 3.0
color cpk
delay 2.0
set spiny 90; spin on;

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