
Thanks, it seems obvious after you pointed out the ALL that I zipped past in 
the docs.  I picked up the braces and brackets from the entries under atom 
expressions.  I'm still trying to grasp some of the syntax for that, but no 

As noted, getProperty measurementInfo.value returns a list of the distances.  I 
can move them into an array: 'y=getProperty("measurementInfo.value")' and move 
the related energies into a similar array: 'x = 
getProperty("",{*})' and print either list.  I was stuck 
on how to print the two lists simultaneously in two columns.  When I use 'print 
x+y', it prints the first list followed by the second.  Rolling the two lists 
into a 3rd: 'z = array(x,y)' produces a simliar outcome.  I tried looping over 
x and y: ' for (var i=1;i<48;i++) {print x[i]+"   "+y[i]}' with a strange 
result that the values for x and y were returned: NaN3.8565087.  The fix? 
Precede the variables with an empty string: 'for (var i=1;i<48;i++) {print 
""+x[i]+"   "+y[i]'}.  I feel that there must be an equivalent procedure using 
the distance function, but haven't figured that way out.

Thanks for your help,


From: Angel Herráez []
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:24 AM
To: Whitwell, George;
Subject: Re: [Jmol-users] how to glean a recurring bond length from a series of 

Hi George
says you must use "all" or "allconnected" to work across models/frames

Also, the parenthesis is needed but I'm not sure what the braces will do (it 
may depend on the file format). I am not usre why you expect the square 
brackets to work, since that is not a standard syntax in Jmol as far as I know.
Safest is to use atomNo.

measure all (atomNo=1) (atomNo=2);

I cannot advise about how to parse the output from that.
There may be some form of getProperty that will give you the set of meaures too.

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