I have been working on some pages which use the syncing between applets and 
observing problems. I think something has changed recently and to tie down the 
problem I have been using Bob’s sync2.htm.

The current live version http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/sync2.htm loads 
OK but checking the synchronise box does NOT lead to synchronisation between 
the structures. This is with Firefox on Mac OS.

Downloading the current file set 
 and loading sync2.htm shows the same problem.

The corresponding file bundle from 2 December has the same problem but the 
version from 27 November moves in sync as expected.

Best regards
Nick Greeves                            via OS X Mail
Director of Teaching and Learning
Department of Chemistry
University of Liverpool
Donnan and Robert Robinson Laboratories
Crown Street, LIVERPOOL L69 7ZD U.K.
Email address:    ngree...@liverpool.ac.uk<mailto:ngree...@liverpool.ac.uk>
WWW Pages:    http://www.chemtube3d.com
Tel:            +44 (0)151-794-3506 (3500 secretary)
Dept Fax:   +44 (0)151-794-3588

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