> yes, the Jmol scripting language was derived directly from RAS. it has, of 
> course, evolved considerably since then. :-D
> conceptually, the Rasmol software definitely inspired Jmol. actually, from my 
> perspective it was the closed-source nature of Chime that really got the Jmol 
> ball rolling. strictly speaking,

To the best of my recollection, Rasmol itself was open. MDL acquired this open 
source code and “wrapped it” into a closed-code Chime (I think they added 
data-base querying code which was proprietary to them).  A third party involved 
was  Glaxo, for whom Roger worked at the time. Only the  MDL and Glaxo lawyers 
know exactly what the arrangement between them was. 

The connection  between  MDL/Chime and  Netscape  (who had written the browser 
plug-in architecture that  Chime made use of) was partly geographical (< 30 km) 
and partly an article  I had written (so its developers told me). 

> however, I don't recall any actual Rasmol code being migrated, since Rasmol 
> was written in C and Jmol in Java.

I  meant that presumably many of the algorithms, including the rendering code, 
were re-written into Java.

> I imagine Miguel Howard would be the definitive authority on this topic, 
> though it's likely that Bob would know, too.

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