Rick, be sure you are using yesterday's Jmol release -- One of the recent
fixes had to do with synchronization. But I guess if it is working, there
should be no problem. I have put up a file,
http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/sync4.htm, which you can use for
testing. There's a link there "just two" that should sync just the top two
applets. I tried it with "slave" mode and standard mode, and it works fine
for me. Here is the Jmol script being used, in case it's just a matter of

function sync2() {
 var syncing = document.getElementById("drive").checked
 var s = (syncing ? 'sync * off;sync . on;sync jmolAppletB on;sync
jmolAppletB "set syncMouse on;set syncScript off";': 'sync * off')
 jmolScript(s, "A");

So the script is being sent to jmolAppletA, and from there the sync ON
message is sent just to jmolAppletB. Thus, only those two are synchronized.

For testing, you might want to substitute js/JSmol.full.js  for
JSmol.min.js -- that's the same but uncompressed.


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Spinney, Richard <
rspin...@chemistry.ohio-state.edu> wrote:

>  I have been working on some “new” jsmol stuff and have run into a few
> problems.
> 2)       I am trying to get two Jmol objects to sync (out of a total of
> four on the page). I can get them all to sync, but not just the two I want.
> I based the code on the sync2.htm page included in jsmol. The code is
> function sync() {
>   var syncing = document.getElementById("drive").checked
>    var s = (syncing ? 'sync jmolApplet2 on; sync jmolApplet2 "set
> syncMouse TRUE"' : 'sync * off;')
>    Jmol.script("jmolApplet1", s);
> }
> I get an error message of: “TypeError: b._checkDeferred is not a function”
> and a link back to line 313 of JSmol.min.js. I have no idea what this error
> is.
> 3)      I am trying to add a highlight to a JSpecView spectra using
> Jmol.jsvAddHighlight and get an error message: “TypeError:
> jsvApplet._applet is null on line 349 of JSmolJSV.js. Again I am not sure
> why this error is occurring.
> I would appreciate any help anyone can provide.
> Thanks, Rick
> --------------------------------------
> Dr. Richard Spinney
> Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
> The Ohio State University
> 120A Celeste Laboratory
> 120 West 18th Ave
> Columbus, Ohio 43210
> email: rspin...@chemistry.ohio-state.edu
> Phone:   (614) 247 - 6847
> Fax:       (614) 292 - 1685
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Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

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