
On 7 January 2014 13:09, N David Brown <hubd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is the newest Maven artifact still 13.1.15-SNAPSHOT? That’s the most
> recent I see 
> here<https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/net/sourceforge/jmol/jmol/>.
> Would be great to have a newer Maven release; I'd like to make use of the
> cel shading I added.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On 6 January 2014 05:39, Jaime Prilusky <jaime.prilu...@weizmann.ac.il>wrote:
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/jmol/files/Jmol/Version%2014.0/Version%2014.0.4
>>  Not much here, but one important fix for ribbons, so if you do anything
>> with proteins be sure to download this modification in 14.0 and 14.1.
>>  Bob
>> Thank you.
>>  Fixed the misplaced rockets elements.
>>  PSE conversion works smooth, no problems reported at
>> http://ispcsrv.weizmann.ac.il/a2jmolb/browse
>>  Best Regards,
>>  Jaim
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