
Quick test on your side: Does alert(1234) work. No quotes - just alert(1234)?


Otis Rothenberger

On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:49 AM, Otis Rothenberger <osrot...@chemagic.com> wrote:

> I'm using 14.0.2. I can check out 14.0.5 later this morning.
> I should have mentioned in the previous note that the function without an 
> argument no longer needs the quotes around the javascript.
> The javascript command has been fussy for me for years. Keeping quotes out of 
> the javascript itself made my problems go away - hence the function with no 
> argument.
> Otis
> --
> Otis Rothenberger
> o...@chemagic.com
> http://chemagic.com
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:36 AM, Jaime Prilusky <jaime.prilu...@weizmann.ac.il> 
> wrote:
>> Have you tried it on 14.0.5 with HTML5?
>> Jaim
>> On Jan 13, 2014, at 2:26 PM, Otis Rothenberger <osrot...@chemagic.com> wrote:
>>> I use the javascript command frequently. From past experience, arguments in 
>>> functions can cause issues. At a minimum, I would put quotes around the 
>>> javascript itself. I think this has to be rigged so that these are double 
>>> quotes - i.e. javascript "alert('Hey there!')" This means changing your 
>>> quote structure in the whole Jmol script.
>>> One thing that made issues go away for me completely is to simply use a 
>>> function without an argument. That function, when called, can do anything 
>>> you need done after the Jmol script executes.
>>> Otis

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