Dear Bob,

Many thanks for your reply! I will  try immediately and I will let you knows s 
soon as possible.

Yes, I am trying it locally, with Firefox on a CentOS Linux 6.5 driven virtual 
machine, since this is the operating system that is used on my University cloud 
to host small servers, so I had no choice... ;).
Before posting I made several trials and as far as I can remember I also tried 
to use the whole, complete, URL address, but I will try again following your 
advice. I started by inspecting the code of a page of Angel, since this seemed 
performing the visualization I needed to reproduce and  I found that he applied 
the declaration of the Info variable in the <head> before using the getApplet 
command in the body section. The problem arises in a very simple page where the 
simple JSME and JSMol are introduced, just to let the user to draw a molecule 
and transfer it into JSMol. To inspect the problem nature I eliminated all code 
that was not directly interesting for this basic duty. 

My basic idea was to insert in a mySQL DB  (using MolDB5r from Prof. Harder, 
Wien University, Austria) several molecules with some descriptor, like IUPAC 
name to make available to my students (and external students, when properly 
working and the DB will be sufficiently populated...) some kind of problems to 
make their practice. I tried to use JSMol to help students in the assign 
correctly the chirality and while more or less the code is just the same, apart 
from JSMol part of the code, this should (and really works!) properly.

As a matter of fact, I have already found some difference when using typical 
HTML code introduced in Joomla. As an example, when using a <button......> tag 
you will not be able to pass any variable by POST to the same page by reloading 
it... The result is that when one clicks on the button the page is immediately 
reloaded without "real" interaction with the user request. By using the older 
tag <input type="button" ....> things work as one would expect. By this, I 
would imagine that also something in the code of the CMS could also interacting 
with the user introduced code. I would also try different extension of Joomla 
to work directly with code into articles. Maybe this could also be related to 
those extension programming, being not able to parse correctly but I am quite 
sceptic about it. The extensions, normally, work well or do not work at all.

Sorry of the long post.... When working properly I will be glad to let you and 
the community informed about tips & tricks, skills and so on... ...related to 
the use of JSME and JSMol in a CMS like Joomla and let available the code I 
used (not so great thing, but for newbies it could help to solve problems and 
to get new ideas, like your code helped me).

Many thanks again!

Best regards,

Pierluigi Quagliotto

Inviato da iPad

> Il giorno 14/mar/2014, alle ore 00:01, Robert Hanson <> ha 
> scritto:
> Pierluigi,
> Welcome! 
> That message indicates that your installation is missing critical files. 
> Perhaps they are on a different server; perhaps they were omitted. If your 
> script tag, for example, reads:
> <script src="";></script>
> then you need to make sure that the Info array passed in the getApplet 
> command also points that for j2s:
> Info = {
>   ...
>   j2s: "";,
>   ...
> }
> because the default location for all the system files is "./j2s" in the 
> directory of your page. 
> That's probably all you need to do. 
> A tip: Best to test in Firefox and not MSIE or Chrome first, particularly if 
> you are testing locally (which it does not sound like you are doing).
> Bob Hanson
>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 5:00 PM, <> wrote:
>> Dear Bob and dear all,
>> I am trying to set-up a server to help my students to learn organic
>> chemistry and, due to this, I tried to use a CMS (Joomla, 2.5.17
>> version, stable, for long term production). The site should be available
>> in a few days, when IT services of my University (University of Torino,
>> Italy) will finish some work about hosting it.
>> I use JSME and JSMOl, at a very basic level... I am a newbie about
>> them. However, I prepared some pages starting by looking at the code of
>> some JSME/JSMOL examples and they can work fine if used as stand-alone
>> pages, i.e also by wrapping them  into an "article" in Joomla. The
>> problem  arises when I try to use this code into a Joomla "article".
>> Obviously I have to separate code to inject it properly into <head>
>> section and this work fine for JSME, no problem about it. On the
>> contrary, JSMOL start its set-up but it stuck leaving those messages:
>> mol._Canvas2D (Jmol) "myJSmol"[x]
>> loading... j2s/core/package.js
>> loading... j2s/core/package.js -- required by w3c script failed
>> It seems that the program can see correctly the location of the
>> JSmol.min.js sinc eit starts to initialize itself but something went
>> wrong while loading package.js
>> Since the same code works well when used in a stand-alone php file, the
>> location of JSMol dir and subdir should be properly recognized.
>> do you have any suggestion? I can post some code if requested.
>> Since I have never found in the web something talking about the use of
>> JSME/JSMOL into the Joomla CMS, I would take the opportunity of the
>> Bob's request for a review into the sourceforge site to write something
>> and cite also this opportunitty to use JSMOL into the Joomla CMS
>> container, obviously when I will get it working... ;)
>> Sorry to bother you,
>> Best regards,
>> Pierluigi Quagliotto
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> -- 
> Robert M. Hanson
> Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> Northfield, MN
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get. 
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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