I have encountered a problem working with jvxl and zip files.

I have a big spartan file of cholesterol (cholesterol.spartan) with all 
MOs calculated. For a web application, I need just charges (for dipole 
vector and MEP) and the HOMO and LUMO surfaces.

In Jmol (Java) app I have written separate HOMO.jvxl and LUMO.jvxl file 

     mo HOMO                          (with spartan file loaded)
     write  MO "HOMO.jvxl"

and the analogous file for the LUMO.

I have saved the spartan file as cholesterol.mol2 (to preserve partial 
charge info).

I have zipped the three files into a zipped folder "cholesterol.zip"

I have tested it in the Java app,  for example:

load "cholesterol.zip|cholesterol.mol2";
dipole molecular


load "cholesterol.zip|HOMO.jvxl";
isosurface "cholesterol.zip|HOMO.jvxl"; isosurface mesh nofill

It worked as expected.

None of the files (zipped folder or jvxl files are read by JSmol (including 
here: http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/test2.htm)

I am doing something wrong?



P.S. I did not include zipped folder (to avoid issues with the list server), 
but I can e-mail it if needed for inspection

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