On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Rolf Huehne <rhue...@fli-leibniz.de>

> Hi all,
> I am looking for a replacement for the PDB format that offers the same
> options like predefined atom numbers, atom names, residue names etc.
> after loading into Jmol. But without the restrictions of the PDB format
> regarding atom count and residue number count.
> Q: Is there anything other than the (horrible) mmCIF format that Jmol
> can read and interpret similarly to the PDB format?
I think if you believe mMCIF is "horrible" then you should look again. You
basically put a standard PDB file straight into it with a simple header
that identifies
the fields. What could be easier than that? -- Same data used twice, though
do need a space character between alt-loc and insertion codes in mmCIF.

Why is this "horrible"? Maybe there is so much information in the RCSB
files, but
Jmol doesn't need more than this:


_database_PDB_rev.num 1


ATOM 1    N  . ? -70.914 -42.745 -13.483 3 SER A N
ATOM 2    C  . ? -69.991 -43.612 -12.692 3 SER A CA
ATOM 3    C  . ? -68.548 -43.499 -13.189 3 SER A C

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