
It seems the write() function now returns the result value rather than the 
output from the write command.  The commands:


print asymunit

should load the variable with a structure file format and give:


Model[1]: Jmol 14.3.14_2015.05.25 2015-05-25 23:36

C 1.92030 -0.13730 3.97996

C 0.54620 0.53560 3.97996

C -0.54620 -0.53560 3.97996

C -1.92030 0.13730 3.97996

H 2.02060 -0.75850 4.86996

H 2.02060 -0.75850 3.08996

H 2.69860 0.62590 3.97996

H 0.44590 1.15690 4.86996

H 0.44590 1.15690 3.08996

H -0.44590 -1.15690 3.08996

H -0.44590 -1.15690 4.86996

H -2.02060 0.75850 4.86996

H -2.02060 0.75850 3.08996

H -2.69860 -0.62590 3.97996

Now, instead it gives:

OK XYZ 643 c:/compchem/xyz

as if returning the result to the console and has actually written the output 
to the file "xyz".




From: Robert Hanson [hans...@stolaf.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 1:16 AM
To: jmol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Jmol-users] Jmol 14.2.14/14.3.14 released



release; synchronized with 14.3.14

changes since release of 14.2.13 in March:

new feature: set contextDepthMax
  -- sets the maximum depth of contexts, including {}, if{} for{} while{} 
     as well as the SCRIPT command and a number of expression-related situations
  -- default 100
  -- minimum 10

new feature: SQL "drilling" in associative arrays for sub arrays with a given 
property (Rolf Huehne)
   -- uses "**" as the SELECT option, sort of the way ** sometimes means 
"subdirectories of"
   -- returns an associative array or "" if no match
   -- example:

    x = [key_1:[type:"a"],key_2:[type:"b"],key_3:[type:"a"]]
    z = getProperty(x, "[SELECT ** WHERE type='a']");
    show z;

        z = { "key_1":{ "type":"a" },"key_3":{ "type":"a" } }

new feature: for msCIF (modulated structure files), setting modulation or using 
vibration ON
             now also indicates occupancy changes

new feature: set showScript -1
  -- turns off history (on when commands come from the keyboard)
  -- stops every-second JavaScript interruptions -- Caution!

new feature: for (var i FROM [a, b]) {...}
  -- same as for (var i = a; i <= b; i++) when a < b
  -- same as for (var i = a; i >= b; i--) when a > b
  -- much more efficient

new feature: draw polygon [@1 @2 @3...]
  -- fills polygon with triangles
  -- order is important -- must be cw or ccw
  -- does not have to be convex
  -- indeterminate result if atoms are not coplanar
  -- example:

        load $caffeine
        draw polygon [@5 @7 @12 @13 @1 @3]

new feature: ".[a]" notation extended to x.. and allows mixing with .a.
    function a(){return 1}
    x = [A:[1,2,3], a:[4,5,6]]
    $ print x.a.[a()]
    $ print x..a..[a()]
    $ print x.a..[a()]
    $ print x..a..[a()]
    $ print x..a.[a()]
    $ y = x.a[1][2]; show y
     y = [ 4,5 ]

new feature: "." notation extended to x.[a]
  disambiguifies x[a][b][c]...
  allows for variables and expressions in "." notation
  i = 2
  x = [1,[2 3 4 [5 6 7]],3]
  show x[2].[4].[i]
   ==> "6"
  x = [ 1,[ 2,3,4,[ 5,6,7 ],{ "testing":"now" } ],3 ]
  x[i + 1].[5].["testing"] = "again"
  show x
   ==> x = [ 1,[ 2,3,4,[ 5,6,7 ],{ "testing":"again" } ],3 ]

new feature: print  command by itself clears JavaScript and Jmol consoles

new feature: color polyhedra red blue (edge color blue)

new feature: NBO command with no arguments starts NBO panel (Java application 

bug fix: select conformation=1  broken for non-bio CIF data
bug fix: CML reader not recognizing "fragment/join/fragment" sequence
         from http://www.xml-cml.org/schema/schema3/schema.xsd (Stuart Chalk)

bug fix; 05.12 breaks Jmol.evaluate and Jmol.evaluateVar and print 
getProperty("variableInfo", exp)
bug fix: using historyLevel = ... or scriptlevelMax = ...  doesn't really set 
bug fix: a number of settings have not been excluded from state scripts, which
         only should save critical information for the state, not general 
  -- no longer saved in state
  -- no longer read using "set xxxxx" when that is in a state script
  -- includes: historylevel;imagestate;iskiosk;useminimizationthread;
  -- includes: 

bug fix: re-entering functions loses if/else state
bug fix: more issues with low-resolution linear-z index lines.
         Need to compromise for isosurfaces and nucleic cartoons and bonds
         -- which became very slow to render with precision Z placement.

bug fix: BIND can cause fault
bug fix: write "?"  can cause fault when [x] box is pushed on window
bug fix: set picking dragMolecule, set picking dragMinimizeMolecule, set 
picking dragLigand   broken

bug fix: x = plane(@1 @2 @3)  fails
bug fix: isolated bio groups such as AMP, which are not part of biopolymers, 
can result in crashes
         when colored or queried about their parameters (Hiroufmi Suzuki)

bug fix: new SQL ** feature needed a tweak

bug fix: set structureModifiedCallback does not work with "JmolScript:...."

bug fix: sawtooth and Legendre displacement modulations should set occupancy to 
0 outside of their range.

bug fix: color atoms property vxyz crashes Jmol if no vibrations
bug fix: with msCIF, select subsystem=1 does not select anything
bug fix: vibrations in trajectories not animating (14.3.6_2014.08.14)

bug fix: reading Molden file with no MOs crashes Jmol

bug fix: color $id [30 40 50] translucent 0.8  fails
bug fix: Jmol.jar was requiring Java 1.7
bug fix: POV-Ray fixed for perspective and orthographic cameras using new 
z-depth formula.
thanks: Many thanks to Laurent Proville for motivating me to look in this issue.

bug fix: perspective renderer was using the wrong formula for calculating Z 
depth of pixels:

 * Note added 4/2015 BH:
 * Well, it turns out that the calculation of the intermediate pixel z value
 * in all methods involving rasterization of lines is incorrect and has been
 * incorrect since Jmol's inception. I noticed long ago that large triangles 
such as
 * produced in DRAW could incorrectly overlay/underlay other objects, but I 
 * never determine why. It turns out that the assumption that z-value is linear
 * across a line when perspectiveDepth is TRUE is simply incorrect.
 * Basically, the function z(x) is non-linear. Treating it as simply a
 * linear function results in oddities where lines and planes
 *  -- particularly created using DRAW and large distances -- appear
 * to be where they are not.
 * Through Jmol 13.3.13 we had the standard linear relationship:
 *   z = (x - xa) / (xb - xa) * (zb - za) + za
 * I worked it out, and, amazingly, it should be
 *   z = (xb - xa) * za * zb / ((xb - x) * zb + (x - xa) * za)
 * Note that it is still true that when x = xb, z = zb
 * and when x = xa, z = za, as required.
 * This equation can be rearranged to
 *   z = a / (b - x)
 * where
 *  a = (xb - xa) * za * (zb / (zb - za))
 * and
 *  b = (xb * zb - xa * za) / (zb - za)
 * These values must be floats, not integers, to work properly, because
 * these are extrapolations from long distances in some cases. So there is
 * considerable overhead there. It will take some experimentation to figure this
 * out.
 * The practical implications are for line, cylinder, and triangle drawing.
 * First-pass corrections are for axes and DRAW objects. They tend to be the
 * larger objects that result in the issue.
 * Also affected is POV-Ray output, because right now POV-Ray is created using
 * perspective on and plotted as though it were orthographic, but although that
 * works in x and y, it does not work in z!

bug fix: with set dragSelected, highlight does not recognize whole molecule

bug fix: loading mmCIF data in-line loses multi-character chain IDs

bug fix: with set picking dragSelected with allowMoveAtoms FALSE and 
allowRotateSelected TRUE
         rotating the atoms with ALT-left ignores setting of allowMoveAtoms

    // see footnotes below for ^, #, *, and $
    // settings:^    set picking dragSelected             set dragSelected
    // move:#                 drag                          alt-shift-drag
    // rotate:#*          alt-drag                                alt-drag
    // z-shift:#        shift-drag                                  (n/a)
    // double-click:$  (starts measurement)       (sets selected if set picking 
    // ^ set picking dragSelected overrules set dragSelected
    // # all actions involve whole molecules unless   set allowMoveAtoms TRUE
    // * rotate requires   set allowRotateSelected TRUE
    // $ set dragSelected allows setting of a new molecule with double-click 
when    set picking SELECT
    // $ set picking dragSelected allows measurements with double-click, as 

bug fix: for in/from broken in 14.3.13_2015.04.05
 -- entering a FOR loop with empty has pops {...} context one level too far, 
exiting functions

feature update: EBI validation site updated from wwwdev.ebi to www.ebi
 -- for example, LOAD *1crn/val

bug fix: MO calculation hanging when G orbitals are present

bug fix: echo id myecho "testing" reports "myecho" instead of "testing"

bug fix: Molden reader broken for Dalton2015 version

bug fix: language switching not working from popup menu;
bug fix: language bundles not processed in the correct order for variants

bug fix: for (var i in hashArray) {....}  broken (also in 14.2; not fixed there)

bug fix: [3 4 5].min should give integer 3, not decimal 3.0 (same with .max)

bug fix: hash values created from named int variables do not clone properly
bug fix: hash[key1]..key2.push()  does not work properly
bug fix: show hash  where one of the elements is an empty hash ignores that key
bug fix: local var xxx with same name of ..xxx forces lower case xxx

bug fix: local var xxx with same name of foo..xxx forces lower case xxx

bug fix: {hash}.Key = value will be stored as "key" rather than "Key" if "key" 
is also a user-defined function.
bug fix: {hash}.key will fail if "key" is also a user-defined function.
bug fix: print a  where a is an associative arrays fails in JavaScript (since 

bug fix: translate SELECTED {1 1 1} @1 not working (works fine without the 
SELECTED keyword)

bug fix: isosurface solvent will fail if max volume is smaller than cavity max 
even though not cavity

bug fix: JmolVersion="14.3.13_2015.03.20b" broke JSmol due to error in coding 

bug fix: popup menu Symmetry broken
bug fix: PDB reader does not save unit cell on simple load

bug fix: use of {*}.xxxx = for(i;{*};....) fails

bug fix: VASP chgcar surface reader fails to recognize 10-per-line file format

bug fix: label <color ...> xxxx </color>  does not calculate stringwidth 
properly; set labeloffset 0 incorrect


bug fix: fonts too small with antialiasDisplay (14.2.12)
bug fix: PNG generation uses iTXt instead of tEXt; problems with diacritical 
marks (German translation of "March" month in creation time)


bug fix; pdb and mmcif readers not doing biomolecule 2 properly
bug fix: load filter "bychain" broken
bug fix: x.a.push(6) does not work
bug fix: (x.a).push(3) does not work
bug fix: (x.a)[3] = 5  does not work

bug fix: show state/xxxx does not work

synchronized with 14.2.12_2015.03.07

bug fix: x[2] = y[2] fails

Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

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