For Jmol 14.3.16 (Aug 13):

In FirstGlance, using Java applet, the Jmol menu pops up normally.

Using JSmol (HTML5, no Java), I have never been able to get the menu to 
pop up in FirstGlance. There has been no response to clicking on the 
frank except the brief appearance of an orange message at the lower 
left. But with this latest version, when I click on the frank I get:

TypeError: a.container.hide(...).menu is not a function try/catch path:
0 function (b,d)
  args[0]=TypeError: a.container.hide(...).menu is not a function
  args[1]=function (){a.instantialize(this,arguments)}
1 J.awtjs2d.JmolJSPopup.menuShowPopup(a,b,f)
  args[0]=[javajs.swing.JPopupMenu object]
[long list continues]


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