Thanks, Bob, for this.

Can you clarify the purpose of  “true”, as in:

var x = load(“filename”, TRUE)

I would like to learn when is it necessary.  Your example uses “true” for .png 
but not for .cif.   The help page shows the TRUE flag showing up elsewhere, as 
in the function
x = y.split("", TRUE)

I am uncertain of how to use “true" properly.


On Aug 22, 2015, at 12:51 AM, Robert Hanson 
<<>> wrote:


new feature: load var x
  -- same as load "@x"
  -- similar in syntax to write var x t.png
  -- example:

  var x = load("quartz.cif")
  load var x {1 1 1}

bug fix: creating and running and saving binary hash from PNGJ fails
  -- allows creating an associative binary array from a PNGJ file
     then modifying it and loading that variable
     then saving it as a new PNGJ file
  -- initial PNGJ file is not necessary if binary array x is created first
  -- example:

      var x = load("test.png",true)
      load "@x"
      write test2.png as PNGJ

bug fix: hover callback is not supposed to be stopped with HOVER OFF
bug fix: and<> and<> 
report incorrectly when antialiasing is on
bug fix: write VAR x "test.png" creates a ZIP file instead of a PNGJ file when 
x is from load("test.png",true)
bug fix: write test.png as PNGJ (without initial quotes) fails


OK, that wasn't so bad. Thank you, Rolf, for suggesting this. It is a nice 
complement to write var x.

This completes the capability for Jmol or JSmol to read, modify,  load, and 
save PNGJ and ZIP files.

1) Reading a PNGJ or ZIP file into a variable using TRUE to indicate binary 

x = load("test.png", TRUE)
# [x is a binary associative array]
print x.keys

where "$_BINARY_$" indicates that entries are byte arrays.
and _IMAGE_ is the PNG image, indicating this is from a PNGJ file

2) modifying that file if desired

# coerce to string:
s = "" + x["state.spt"]
# ...modify here...
# replace state.spt in PNGJ file data
x["state.spt"] = s

# Or, for example, adding an image that will be used for an optional background 

x = load("test.png",true)
# a standard binary associative array will have just two keys, $BINARY$ and 
# only PNGJ has _IMAGE_

x["z.jpg"] = load("z.jpg",true)._DATA_
print x.keys
write var x "test3.png"
....sometime later...
load "test3.png"
background image "test3.png|z.jpg"

3) write to a new PNGJ file

write var x "test2.png"

4) optionally, load that PNGJ data directly from the variable, perhaps to see 
that the modifications are correct:

load var x

(new syntax; same as older load "@x")

Note that both of these syntaxes work with standard string file data and can be 
extended with options:

x = load("quartz.cif")
load var x {1 1 1}


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