
Could you expand on your comment that “Jmol uses typed arrays when possible"?

I am in the habit of initializing arrays with a line like:


Should I be doing something else?  Does the array get “typed” after I add an 


On Dec 16, 2015, at 3:48 PM, Robert Hanson 
<<>> wrote:

Jmol uses typed arrays when possible. Parsing of scripts is relatively slow. 
Rolf, if you want to give me something to try, I will be happy to play with it 
and see what I can learn.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Paul PILLOT 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Rolf,
my experience in this area is not JSmol related, but when I had to deal with 
big tables in javascript (for a multiple sequence alignment script, aligning 2 
sequences of 5000 signs, requires at least 1 table of 5000 rows and 5000 
columns), I noticed that :
- using integers only tables is fastest
- opting for one dimensional array instead of two dimensional didn’t make a 
noticeable difference
- using typed arrays in some cases improved significantly the performance ( see ). This was 2 
years ago, and the browsers’ engine landscape can be quickly moving...
When you parse your data from your TSV file, are the fields stored as text ?

My 2 cents,

Le 16-12-2015 à 13:12, Rolf Huehne 
<<>> a écrit :

Hi all,

I am looking for some speedup tips for Jmol scripting in JSmol/HTML5.

The speed difference between JSmol/Java and JSmol/HTML5 for graphical
operations like rotation and zooming seems to be about 10 times or less
in Firefox and Chrome (if you don't consider the recent rotation speed
problems in Chrome).

Unfortunately the difference for Jmol scripting seems to be much higher
in my experience: about 50-70 times.

If I load for example 3 TSV (tab separated value) format files with
overall about 34,000 lines, JSmol/Java needs about 26 seconds for
laoding and parsing the data and putting it into a multi-level hash
structure. JSmol/HTML5 needs about 1700 seconds instead.

I already tried to write the final data structure into a file with
'write VAR ...' and read it in again as a script (after adding a proper
variable assignment) but this already took in Java endlessly (I stopped
waiting after more than an hour...).

Q: Does anyone have any other ideas that might speed up this process?



Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstrasse 11
07745 Jena, Germany

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Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

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