Thanks Rolf.  That helps.


On 1/20/2016 2:51 PM, Rolf Huehne wrote:
> On 01/20/2016 07:37 PM, Pshemak Maslak wrote:
>> I have noticed that a script that worked with a version that was current
>> in March 2015 (14.2.13_2015.03.23) does not work with the latest two (or
>> more) versions.
>> Briefly, I have a short DNA fragment in a png file that loads with the
>> following commands:
>> load DNAH-2.png;
>> set showHydrogens TRUE;
>> moveto 1.0 { -289 956 53 43.88}  100.0 0.0 0.0;
>> calculate STRUCTURE DSSR;
>> pairsCG = getProperty("auxiliaryinfo.models[1].dssr.basepairs[select
>> res1,res2 where bp='C-G' or bp='G-C']");
>> pairsAT = getProperty("auxiliaryinfo.models[1].dssr.basepairs[select
>> res1,res2 where bp='A-T' or bp='T-A']");
>> The load script does not generate any visible errors (in Java script in
>> a browser or in Java on the desktop) and the structure loads fine.
>> and then I have a script that "hides" base pairs, leaving just one that
>> is "zoomed into" user view and centered.
>> select @{pairsCG[1].res1},@{pairsCG[1].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> select @{pairsCG[12].res1},@{pairsCG[12].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> select @{pairsCG[11].res1},@{pairsCG[11].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> delay 0.1;
>>    select @{pairsCG[2].res1},@{pairsCG[2].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>    select @{pairsCG[10].res1},@{pairsCG[10].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>    select @{pairsAT[5].res1},@{pairsAT[5].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> delay 0.1;
>>    select @{pairsCG[3].res1},@{pairsCG[3].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>    select @{pairsCG[9].res1},@{pairsCG[9].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>    select @{pairsCG[8].res1},@{pairsCG[8].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> delay 0.1;
>>    select @{pairsAT[1].res1},@{pairsAT[1].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>    select @{pairsAT[4].res1},@{pairsAT[4].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> delay 0.1;
>>    select @{pairsCG[4].res1},@{pairsCG[4].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>     select @{pairsCG[7].res1},@{pairsCG[7].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> delay 0.1;
>>     select @{pairsCG[5].res1},@{pairsCG[5].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>     select @{pairsAT[3].res1},@{pairsAT[3].res2}; color translucent 9;
>> delay 0.1;
>>     select @{pairsCG[6].res1},@{pairsCG[6].res2}; color translucent 9;
>>     select @{pairsAT[2].res1},@{pairsAT[2].res2};
>>     moveto 1.0 { 944 144 296 71.87}  300.24 0.0 0.0  {31.878408 48.3921
>> 30.248789} 38.85318;
>>     center@989; hbonds calculate; hbonds 0.2; hbonds 0.2; color hbonds
>> yellow;
>> That script worked fine with the old JSmol,, but it fails on the first
>> line with the newer versions.  The error happens in the first line:
>> script ERROR: unexpected end of script command
>> ----
>>            select { @ { pairsCG [ 1 ] . res1 } << or @ { pairsCG [ 1 ] .
>> res2 } }
>> Any help is solving that puzzle would be appreciated (DNAH-2.png is
>> available upon request).
> The data structure below 'dssr' has changed (at least in my example
> below), shown by printing the hash keys:
> ---- Example ---------
> load =3cro;
> calculate STRUCTURE DSSR;
> x=getProperty("auxiliaryinfo");
> y=x.models[1].dssr;
> print y.keys;
> ----- Output in Jmol 14.2.9 -----------------
> basePairs
> dbn
> hBonds
> helices
> seq
> singleStranded
> stems
> summary
> ----- Output in Jmol 14.4.1 -----------------
> counts
> dbn
> hbonds
> helices
> metadata
> nts
> num_hbonds
> num_helices
> num_nts
> num_pairs
> num_ssSegments
> num_stacks
> num_stems
> pairs
> paths
> ssSegments
> stacks
> stems
> ---------------------------------------------
> The 'basePairs' substructure from Jmol 14.2.9 might be resembled by the
> 'pairs' substructure from Jmol 14.4.1 but the 'res1' and 'res2'
> properties are missing:
> ----- 'basePairs' entry -----------------
>     {
>       DSSR  :  "cW-W"
>       LW  :  "cWW"
>       Saenger  :  20
>       bp  :  "A-T"
>       bpBuckle  :  -11.52
>       bpChi1  :  -101.6
>       bpChi2  :  -99.1
>       bpDistC1C1  :  10.51
>       bpDistC6C8  :  9.22
>       bpDistNN  :  8.56
>       bpLambda1  :  53.1
>       bpLambda2  :  43.6
>       bpOpening  :  -13.25
>       bpPropeller  :  -5.68
>       bpShear  :  0.68
>       bpStagger  :  0.32999998
>       bpStretch  :  -0.68
>       bpTorCNNC  :  -12.0
>       g1  :  "A"
>       g2  :  "T"
>       heIncl  :  3.48
>       heRise  :  3.2
>       heRiseC1  :  3.2
>       heTip  :  3.6399999
>       heTwist  :  30.34
>       heTwistC1  :  32.16
>       heXDisp  :  -1.42
>       heYDisp  :  -0.84
>       helixId  :  1
>       id  :  1
>       info  :  "       =-101.6 anti) ~C2'-endo lambda=53.1  =-99.1 anti)
> ~C2'-endo lambda=43.6 \n       d C1'-C1')=10.51 d N1-N9)=8.56 d
> C6-C8)=9.22 tor C1'-N1-N9-C1')=-12.0\n       H-bonds[2]:
> \"N6(amino)-O4(carbonyl)[2.24],N1-N3(imino)[2.38]\"\n
> interBase-angle=13  Simple-bpParams: Shear=0.73 Stretch=-0.63
> Buckle=-4.8 Propeller=-11.9\n       bp-pars: [0.68    -0.68   0.33
> -5.68   -11.52  -13.25]\n"
>       key  :  "[DA]2:A [DT]20:B"
>       name  :  "WC"
>       nt1  :  "[DA]2:A"
>       nt2  :  "[DT]20:B"
>       res1  :  "2:A"
>       res2  :  "20:B"
>       stRise  :  3.26
>       stRiseC1  :  3.26
>       stRoll  :  1.8199999
>       stShift  :  0.24
>       stSlide  :  -0.56
>       stTilt  :  -1.9
>       stTwist  :  30.23
>       stTwistC1  :  32.05
>       stemId  :  1
>      }
> ----- 'pairs' entry----------------------
>     {
>       "DSSR"  :  "cW-W"
>       "LW"  :  "cWW"
>       "Saenger"  :  "20-XX"
>       "bp"  :  "A-T"
>       "index"  :  1
>       "name"  :  "WC"
>       "nt1"  :  "|1|A|DA|2||||"
>       "nt2"  :  "|1|B|DT|20||||"
>      }
> -----------------------------------------
> If you are lucky, there might be an option to go back to the former
> 'DSSR' calculation method (which seems to have changed).
> Or you could build the 'res1' and 'res2' information by reformatting the
> 'nt1' and 'nt2' information.
> Regards,
> Rolf

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