Jmol version from January added an option to change play_make_live image:



   JSmol: adds Info.makeLiveImage  defaults to j2s/img/play_make_live.jpg

I have a few questions:

The default image is no longer visible in version 14.2.1_2016.0115 or the most recent "14.4.3_2016.02.17" (missing image icon is displayed instead). Is something broken?

Is this change documented somewhere?

We use:

   coverImage: "<?php echo $path_dir?>images/catalase.jpg",

to display cover image (of catalase) and it works, but the corresponding

   Info.makeLiveImage :  "<?php echo $path_dir?>images/3D-1-trans.gif",

does not work.

Any help would be appreciated.

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