Hi Bob,

once again I have found a situation where the case of hash keys is 
changed during the hash definition.

It seems that the words 'function' and 'process' (and maybe others?) 
trigger the key conversion to lower-case in a hash definition if no 
quotes are used, tested in Jmol 14.4.3_2016.02.17 and 14.4.1_2015.12.16:

---- Example code ----------------
hashTest = [Component: "mediumturquoise",
             Function:  "lightskyblue",
             Process:   "deepskyblue"
print hashTest;

hashTest = ["Component": "mediumturquoise",
             "Function": "lightskyblue",
             "Process": "deepskyblue"
print hashTest;

---- Example output --------------
   "Component"  :  "mediumturquoise"
   "function"  :  "lightskyblue"
   "process"  :  "deepskyblue"

   "Component"  :  "mediumturquoise"
   "Function"  :  "lightskyblue"
   "Process"  :  "deepskyblue"



Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
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