I can create an isosurface using 'isosurface A solvent' for instance, so
that it has the id: A. I can then use this id in ' isosurface A on' and
'isosurface A off' to show or hide the isosurface.

The problem I am having is when it comes to colouring the isosurface, is
there a way to colour an isosurface by its id (e.g. in this case 'A')? I
have tried

color isosurface A red


color isosurface A [255, 0, 0]

but I get 'script ERROR: bad argument count' which I guess is telling me I
can't use the 'A' as it is expecting one less argument. Is there any way
around this so that I can color a surface using the id I gave it when it
was created?

Any help will be much appreciated.

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