Dear Bob,

1. Is JmolAppletXXXX.jar the /unsigned/ applet? I don't mind dropping that from the distribution.

2. JSmol/HTML5 is truly a life-saver! Bless you Bob and the other team members for JSmol! For most entries in the PDB, it is perfectly satisfactory and it is the default in FirstGlance.Jmol.Org.

Nevertheless, I consider JmolAppletSignedXXXX.jar to be essential. It is essential for NMR ensembles and large models. It gives much smoother rotation and faster operation for just about everything. FirstGlance.Jmol.Org has a checkbox and a preference setting (cookie) and a query parameter option to use Java.

I am close to releasing a new version of FirstGlance that includes a button to save a rocking or rotating animation (using 'capture'). In the default HTML5 mode, with high quality on (antialiasdisplay), it can take several minutes (even more on older computers or mobile devices) to generate the multi-GIF file. Generation is more than ten-times faster using the signed Java applet.

I will be quite upset if/when Oracle actually stops providing a Java browser plugin, at which time no Java applet will work, see the pink box at

Best regards, Eric

On 5/18/16 1:04 AM, Robert Hanson wrote:
Two questions:

1. What would you think of dropping JmolAppletXXXX.jar from the distribution?
2. How about JmolAppletSignedXXXX.jar?

Could these, perhaps be in a separate zip for download, perhaps

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