Dear Bob,

Thanks a lot for your answer.

Your solution is also the one given by Matt and it works :)

I'm attaching a README file, which I wrote to keep track of what I did.
It's far from being perfect. But I hope it may be helpful to someone.

Thanks again, Bob, Matt and Angel!


On 08. 07. 16 07:09, Robert Hanson wrote:
My message came out somewhat garbled, I think.  Trying again:

i = 7
print getproperty('modelInfo.models['+i+'].modelProperties.FreqValue')

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
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Jmol-users mailing list

# ~~~~
# Animating vibrations with Jmol (600x435) & Imagemagick
# ~~~~

# Jmol
# ~~~~

# Load the results file and adjust a few settings 
# (no need here to change the orientation)
# --

load "vib_analysis.molden"

color background black;
restrict not selected;select not selected;wireframe 0.04

# Number of vibrational modes
# --

number_of_vib_modes = 177

# Index of the frame/model associated with the first normal mode 
# --

starting_frame_index = 7

# Move to the frame/model associated with the first normal mode
# and make the necessary for displaying useful information and
# animating the vibrations
# --

i_frame = @{starting_frame_index}
frame @{i_frame}
i_vib = 1
vectors on; vectors 0.04
vectors scale 3.5; color vectors yellow
vibration on; vibration scale 2

set echo bottom left; font echo 12; color echo white;
echo DOI: uu.uuu/vvvv.vvvv.vvvvv

freq = getproperty('modelInfo.models['+i_frame+'].modelProperties.FreqValue')
set echo top left; font echo 16; color echo white;
echo @{format("%.1f",freq)} cm<sup>-1</sup>;

zoom 85

# Generate the JPG files for the animation of the first mode
# --

filename = "vib_" + format("%03i",i_vib) + "_"
filename += format("%04i",freq) + "_.jpg"
write vibration 4 @{filename}

# Redo, for the other vibrational modes
# --

while (i_vib < number_of_vib_modes)
  frame next;

  freq = getproperty('modelInfo.models['+i_frame+'].modelProperties.FreqValue');
  echo @{format("%.1f",freq)} cm<sup>-1</sup>;

  filename = "vib_" + format("%03i",i_vib) + "_"
  filename += format("%04i",freq) + "_.jpg"
  write vibration 4 @{filename}

  #delay 3;

# Imagemagick
# ~~~~

for i in $(seq 1 1 177); do x=$(printf "%03i\n" $i); PREFIX="vib_$x"; 
MP4=$(echo $(ls ${PREFIX}_*_0001.jpg) | sed -e 's/_0001.jpg/.mp4/'); echo 
${MP4}; convert ${PREFIX}_*.jpg ${MP4}; done

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
Jmol-users mailing list

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