> On 15 Aug 2016, at 19:13, Jaime Prilusky <jaime.prilu...@weizmann.ac.il> 
> wrote:
> I would say that Molecular Playground http://molecularplayground.org/ 
> http://proteopedia.org/w/Molecular_Playground qualifies for an effective 'Use 
> of Jmol on augmented reality'.

More on the “AR” bit.  I have loaded 
https://leyscigateway.ch.cam.ac.uk/staudinger/  into a variety of browsers.  
All on my mobile IOS devices (Opera, FireFox, Chrome,  Safari) fail to display 
the  AR because of lack of getUserMedia()

On the beta  Safari Technology preview or Opera on my  MacBook Air, the  AR 
panel does appear,  in effect superimposing the  molecule display on the 
scene/room recorded from the webcam. After a few minutes, the message  “now 
point the camera towards the  AR marker” appears,  which takes the form of a  
QR code that has to be paper printed in advance.  You hold the  QR code up to 
face the camera, whereupon its box is directly replaced by a JPG image of 
further information or an animation. The molecule continues to be manipulable 
via the accelerometers or motion controllers. 

I have not yet grasped the advantages of superimposing a layer from a molecular 
viewer onto a layer of a live image from a webcam, or of the use of  QR codes 
to transclude further layers comprising information into this scene.

I do wonder however what the use of  getUserMedia might be in a  JSmol context? 
 Could it change settings to be most appropriate for the device detected? I 
suspect it will be supported in  IOS 10. Is it perchance already in  JSmol?

PS the above seems to be very CPU intensive.  The fans on my  MacBook or indeed 
much faster iMac ran close to maximum all the time  I had the page open.  Wow! 

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