major new capabilities include:

Using SMARTS and a new .find() option to select and create polyhedra based
on ring size criteria.

An extension of the MOL file format to allow 4-, 5-, and 6-order bonds
along with the capability to render those high-order bonds.


Jmol.___JmolVersion="14.10.0" // released 3/25/2017

new feature: x = {*}.find(smartsString,"map")
 -- returns an array of arrays of atom indices (0-based)
 -- indicates exact correlation between atoms in {*} and atoms of
 -- only unique sets of atoms are found, not every possibility
 -- for example:

      load $caffeine
      print {*}.find("*1*****1", "map").format("JSON")

        [ [ 0,2,4,6,11,12 ] ]

new feature: SELECT @x  where x is an array of integers or array of array
of integers
 -- selects atoms from array rather than from a bitset
 -- note that variable must be used, as SELECT [1,2,3] would look for PDB
group "1,2,3"
 -- for example:

      load $caffeine
      x = {*}.find("*1*****1", "map")[0]
      select @x

        6 atoms selected

new feature: DRAW polygon @face @points
 -- draws a filled polygon based on arrays of atom indices
 -- @face is an array of integers, not necessarily wound correctly
 -- @points is an atom bitset or an array of points (optional, defaults to
 -- for example:

       load $p4
      x = {*}.find("*1**1","map");
      draw ID p4r polygon @{x[1]} color red
      draw ID p4b polygon @{x[2]} color blue
      draw ID p4y polygon @{x[3]} color yellow
      draw ID p4g polygon @{x[4]} color green

new feature: DRAW polyhedron @faces @points
 -- draws sets of polygons based on arrays of atom indices
 -- @faces is an array of array of integers, not necessarily wound correctly
 -- @points is an atom bitset or an array of points (optional, defaults to
 -- for example:

        load $caffeine
      draw polyhedron @{{*}.find("*1****1||*1*****1","map")}

       load $p4
      draw ID p polyhedron @{{*}.find("*1**1","map")} color red

new feature: POLYHEDRON ID xxx @faces @points
 -- @faces is an array of array of integers, not necessarily wound correctly
 -- @points is an atom bitset or an array of points (optional, defaults to

        load $p4
      polyhedra ID p4 @{{*}.find("*1**1","map")}

new feature: 4-order bond in MOL file using 14 for bond order
 -- Jmol extension for MOL file format to allow 4-bond
 -- example: [Re2Cl8](2-)
 -- see

new feature: 5-order bond in MOL file using 15 for bond order
 -- Jmol extension for MOL file format to allow 5-bond
 -- example: [Mo2Cl8](4-)
 -- see

new feature: 6-order bond in MOL file using 16 for bond order
 -- Jmol extension for MOL file format to allow 6-bond
 -- example: Mo2
 -- see

new feature: load "=xxxx/dssr--xxx=yyy"
 -- allows adding specialized options to dssr
 -- --xxx=yyy added on to &opt= search item

bug fix: DSSR fix for multi-model PDB file
bug fix: DSSR - 4fe5 HPA ligand causes set backboneSteps true to fail
bug fix: EXIT command with -n command line flag does not exit Jmol
bug fix: echo renderer may not show correct font size
bug fix: POLYHEDRA ID id OFFSET {x y z} broken
bug fix: ScriptManager debug output being sent even if -i (silent) command
line option set.


Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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